KRON 4 News at 6am : KRON : August 15, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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virus, which is spread through mosquitoes for live with how to protect yourself. plus a half billion dollar pollution deal between the city of richmond and chevron will have reaction this morning. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us and and on james waking up on this thursday morning. little bit closer to the weekend. it. yeah, hope. well. hello to it's kind of hard to make out in the shop at the very top of the screen just off camera. we've got the top layer of those clouds, little foggy. it's a sunrise above. where you're at this board and yet can a little gray out there for sure. >> fog is not as widespread as yesterday, but it is obviously still quite president. you can see a mix of it behind me and a little bit of sunshine peeking through as well. here's another view of that fog just pushed right into the bay this morning. pretty condensed. and it's going to burn off really quickly. we are seeing a few visibility,

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low visibility areas, though. so just make sure that your accounting for that side from that get outside. enjoy this cool morning. today's about to be a bit warmer than yesterday was. so you want to capitalize on those 50's and 60's perfect morning for that jog before you really get the day started later on today, we will get to the 70's 80's and a few more 90's than we saw yesterday. i'll talk more of this in your forecast rain. all right, john, thank for that. yesterday we had a much busier start to our morning. we're looking at traffic out there starting to slowly build, but we're not seeing terrible delays. 13 arrive with a meteor lights on mateo bridge around 15. >> richards overfill just short of 7 and the golden gate. 37 of the tolls. 19 minutes starting. james, back to you. thank you. reyna 601 in the top story this morning. we're learning more now about a deadly shooting that took life of a woman in oakland. neighbors tell us that she was a mother kron 4. sarah stinson has the story. >> neighbors say family members of maria ramos have placed flowers, candles, balloons, where she was killed. several people telling

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us they are shaken by this shooting as ramos. it was a mother and this happened in the middle of the day. >> the very next day the sister came here. >> and they have like a little there. >> a memorial continues to grow on hilton street in oakand where a mother was shot and killed on august. 7th oakland police have identified the woman as maria ramos. this is video from the citizen app showing the scene last wednesday. police say they responded around 2.30 in the afternoon and found ramos with a gunshot wound. she died at the scene. petros lives nearby. he says he was working from home when shots rang out. he saw the aftermath just someone. >> fall and just so and then put his coming here. police say multiple people have been taken into custody in connection to the shooting. >> neighbors say police got security video from nearby homes. petro says in the 3 years he's lived in this neighborhood. this is the

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first time there's been a shooting and he's concerned that it keeps out on to or so. >> it's not a of good that keeps him for everyone living alone. my first experience? and i don't know what's happening but definitely i would love. the about the state. >> police would not release any more information about the people arrested. we did reach out to the council member of this district, kevin jenkins. but we did not hear back in time for this report. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. >> 602. and another developing story of the investigations continue person was found dead near sf general. the chp alerted authorities and told them about this body that was found around 9 o'clock last night on 20th street in vitro avenue near southbound one on one. the body is that of a non house person. that's what they say. they do not believe it was the result of a traffic action. and we've reached out

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to chp and we're waiting for more details. oakland city officials are apologizing after requesting money back. >> from the widow of a fallen officer, officer twan lay before his death. a ransomware attack caused 120 oakland city employees to be accidentally paid and extra $461 and officer lay was among them. the city recently requested that money back from his widow, prompting outrage from the oakland police officers association. they sent a strongly worded letter to the city and offered to pay off that amount by collecting money from other officers. oakland city administrator learned of the situation and waived the fee. >> 604 is the time. and 38 people now without a home in oakland this morning after a dumpster fire spread to their apartment building. so we have video of what was left of this three-story building near lake merritt crews were on scene boarding up the windows.

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oakland firefighters say the flames started in a dumpster at the back of the building at about 5.30, yesterday morning. and then it grew. crews managed to prevent damage to 26 units. but 4 of those units, unfortunately, we're gutted. the red cross is helping the people who've been displaced. some of the residents told us, though they are still trying to figure out what their options are because they don't want to go to shelters for various reasons. >> time now 604 and in the east bay, a west oakland dance studio is slowly recovering from a burglary was very costly. they lost a lot the owners say they're continuing. >> are counting, i should say, on the community to help them out forcefully to call has their story. >> at least 2 thieves had full out studios in west oakland all to themselves early monday morning. co-owners anthony esposo and rocko luciano say the suspects broke in after hours and ransacked the place. we have to change your bank account and

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>> that whole there and replace everything. so it's still annoying and hard to deal with post. so and luciano say the burglars used a truck to back into the studios rolling gate and made entry through the open corner. one of them eventually finds >> the reception desk and finds the register. they start to kind of. get it and finally realize that they can. >> and took a loss of cash and assets totals about $400. but post so and luciano say the burglars caused more than $10,000 in damages. the studio has been in business 8 years hosting performers from throughout the bay area. the owners filed a report with police. they say several attempts have been made to burglarize the studio over the years. but this is the first time thieves were successful where an arts organization where we're like not. >> share to make like a whole bunch of money. there's not really that much. in the arts

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unfortunately. so we do it mostly out of the kindness of are. and we got a lot of fulfillment from ending business owner. you have to be resilient i have so much faith in this community for pulling through and really believing. >> in us and believing in each other. so i we're going to say the owners have started an online fundraiser to raise money for repairs. security upgrades and the installation of an hvac system to make the studio more comfortable for dancers and instructors, philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> we're back 606, is the time in the south bay, santa clara county health officials are reporting this year's first human cases west nile virus. and one person has died and another is recovering crowd was michael thomas is covering this live in san jose. what can you tell us? michael? >> well, we know that this is the first death of west nile virus here in the south bay. but county officials say it's not the first case. and in fact, we're seeing it in other

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counties as well. san mateo also warning its residents to be where mosquitoes that may be carrying it. take a look. this is video we've got up on your screen so i can break it all down. now, this death in the south bay comes not too long after mosquitoes in san jose were tested positive for carrying the virus. the santa clara county vector control says its been spraying in trying to reduce mosquitoes in both san jose and milpitas along with some other areas of the county as well. keep in mind was now virus is a mosquito-borne disease that's caused mild to severe flu-like symptoms for many people. but those over 60 could see more of those severe instances in those cases. and this includes things like fever, headache, body aches and in severe cases near ala g symptoms or even death over in san mateo county, officials say they recently found a bird that tested positive for having the virus. now they're reminding people to be aware. take a look on your screen. these are some details and some tips for you to stay safe. remember to dump any standing water that you may have in flower pots, bird baths or even gutters. if

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you do notice yourself getting a lot mosquito bites, you need to report that as soon as possible. and just be aware. and you sum insect repellent when you're outside in the early morning hours or even those late night hours. and lastly report any dead birds that you may be seeing in your area because that could be a sign that the virus is in that area last night. remember that the risk for serious illness is low for the most part for many people. and those that do get it oftentimes have mild to no symptoms and eventually recover quickly. but that may not be the case, especially if you have any you know, compromise things or if you're an elderly person back out here live, we did reach out to officials this morning for an update. we're still waiting to hear back, but lastly, you know, last year we saw about 20 cases that ended in death here in california. so it is something serious and something that they do want to be aware of. that's a very latest reporting live in san jose on michael thomas. dorian. james, we'll send it back to you. thank you, michael. >> it is 609. also making news this morning, a half billion

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dollar deal was struck between the richmond city council and chevron. so this 550 million dollar deal, dollar settlement really was unanimously approved. the deal follows the removal of a proposed tax measure on chevron's refinery. that measure was set to be voted on this november. but now under this new deal, chevron says they'll pay the city. 50 million dollars a year for the next 5 years. and then 60 million dollars a year after that. it's a culmination of a long battle between the city and that will company over pollution. mayor eduardo martinez called the settlement historic for the city. but environmental justice group says they have mixed feelings. >> it is both ankle. some pride in the work that we've done like very, very proud of everything that. our community members are volunteer, he's ours. is that everyone has given so much. this campaign were so out of that. and were disappointed because we know that a lot of richmond voters,

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we're excited for the opportunity to vote on this in november. >> we'll make it up. adam, with the asian pacific environmental network action says they'll continue to hold chevron accountable for any additional pollution issues. they're also urging other cities to follow richmond's lead and make big polluters pay. >> time now, 6.10, a 130 million dollar grant is going to help fund new housing for homeless people across bay area. cities. richmond, san francisco, sebastopol and san mateo are getting the money from home. key grants. it's expected to create more than 500 homes for about 5,000 unhoused people. >> is living here because it is way more consistent and it's way more dangerous. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, an oakland neighborhood taking action. taking into their own hands to try to stop sideshows. but the city is stopping them. we'll

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explain. plus the latest in the crackdown on retail theft. why state lawmakers are going after self checkout lanes and the changes you may see. plus, there's been a big decrease in overdose deaths in san francisco, but the city's health experts say there could be mor

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all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time. hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. we're back at 6.14 and here are 4 things to know today and open neighborhood is frustrated after the city removed. they're handmade solutions to stopping illegal sideshows around their homes. the neighbors of created their own tire barriers to try and put a stop to this reckless driving. but oakland officials remove them. at the state

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capitol. lawmakers and families affected by the fentanyl epidemic could gather to support prop 36. if that measure is passed, it would increase penalties for certain drug crimes and thefts while also helping addicts get into treatment programs. tennessee mayor matt mahan is a supporter of the proposition. san mateo county. elected officials are calling for a new push to remove homeless camps. east palo alto currently has 81 people living on the streets following governor newsom's recent call for local governments to clean up homeless camps. the mayor says he wants to focus on finding people homes instead of just clearing them out. pg e meanwhile is nstalling more weather stations and high-definition cameras. it also removing or trimming more than a million trees near electric lines every year and putting power lines underground 6.15, and they want to do that ahead of like really extreme wind and that kind of thing. lightning. think we're getting any of that. thankfully, not yet. we'll find out. john knows for

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sure if john the has a project to getting all that switch step. hey, we are looking at anything too crazy out there which is ok with all of us, especially considering what time of year it is. >> august, september, on or even to october can be really dry months for us. we actually do have some of our first rains of the season in the forecast. let's look outside right here at the bay bridge to start not exceptionally windy. just a little touch of fog. kind perfect mix going on this morning. it's been a gorgeous morning so far now that the sun's up maybe an opportunity to get outside going that extra long walk the brisk morning run all of its going to feel pretty good, little mist and drizzle towards the coast. high pressure still adjacent to the region. it's not completely out of the picture and is still keeping things warm inland but low to the north and west of us dives in further this week ended with that. those first showers of the season. i mentioned now for the bay area. but just to our north, take a look at this. what we have in our future cast of rainfall totals, eureka around 1507 inch areas like crescent city could see half an inch of

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rainfall next to the oregon border. that's pretty significant stuff considering it's august, even reading could tap into a 10th of an inch of it in the vicinity of the park fire would love to see a few sprinkles out there, not associated with any lightning. so this is a little bit of good news for northern california right here. futurecast does show you that we have a north northwest wind into the region today. little bit breezy still cooling effect for the bayshore inland areas, though you're about to see temperatures climbing a little bit further than we did yesterday. 60's to 70's and san francisco 60's right along the coast. a lot of 70's to 80's elsewhere a couple more 90's than what we had been seeing the past few days, palo alto and mountain view at 78 same in sunnyvale while san jose at 80 degrees. it's solid 70's from milpitas all the way up to richmond on the east bay shoreline. well, double in walnut creek, concord, up to 90 for your highs. sonoma and napa hanging out in the mid to upper 80's this afternoon. santa rosa at 88. tomorrow's

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highs just as warm as today's we will see a slight drop in temps this weekend showers to our north, but just a few clouds for us right all right, john, thank you for that. no major delays are hot spots to start in the 6 o'clock hour along 101 still have to limit 85 to menlo park to 37. >> 2, 18. 82. you make a good time for 2 minutes on the bay bridge meter lights on no accidents there. while san mateo bridge around 15, a 80 to 101. let's check on the east bay cell. animal feed is just slightly slowing down through hayward. nothing major. 25 minute ride. southbound 6.80, this tunnel and the northbound side. you're also at the limit, their darya. james, back to you. thanks a lot. lorraine. at 6.18, and the man convicted of killing a baker in oakland. >> is sentenced to 7 years in prison. mild. birch pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and robbery in the 2023. robbery that led to the death of jennifer angel. angel was a social justice advocate and the owner of

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angel cakes, the she was sitting in her car. he behind a bank in oakland when birch broke into the car, grabbed her purse and she tried to take the purse back. she ended up being dragged by the getaway car. angel was seriously injured. she ended up dying 3 days later. the 19 year-old birch was arrested 4 months after that happened. police in redwood city are looking for this man who assaulted 2 elderly people in separate incidents yesterday morning around 7.38, in the morning. the first assault happened in the parking lot of a grocery outlet that store at broadway between walnut and maple streets and then there was an assault in the front of the entrance of the san mateo superior court. so here's another look at the man they're looking for. he has short hair, a goatee, he appears to be maybe 40 to 50

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years old about 5, 7, 5, 8, and so they want to hear from you. if you think you have seen him. >> well, members of the california labor federation, grocery store workers and a state senator are now calling for new legislation to limit the use of self-checkout machines in stores. so under the proposed bill stores would not be allowed to install new self-checkout stands or continue to provide the services until certain workplace and staffing conditions are met. and this includes limiting self checkout to no more than 15 items and having one employee monitor no more than 2 of those self-service stations at any given time. supporters of the bill say this will only prevent we're not only prevent shoplifting but also protect jobs. >> we know that understaffed stores have left loaded clerks to balance serving customers. those challenges we using this machine and there's so many reasons why, you know, sometimes it's helping to

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accommodate disabled customers. sometimes it's helping elderly customer sometimes assist helping technologically challenged customers like myself and watching shoplifters. >> the california grocers association, though, is opposing this measure, saying it dictates stores staffing and reverses innovation. >> a cyclist is back home now after bicycling from washington, d.c., to san francisco in the past. 52 days, gordon brown is an advocate for the unhoused and with his little bike of found that he did himself. hed $20,000 bicycling across the country and along the way he donated money to local organizations combating homelessness. he gave food and clothing to 2 people that he came across personally. >> well, santa clara county officials now announcing the expansion of the 9, 8, 8, suicide prevention hotline since its launch 2 years ago. the hotline is now available through text and chat as well as by phone. the new campaign

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is underway now to help spread awareness about 9, 8, 8, the service provides an alternative to 9-1-1, for those who may be struggling with their mental health. if you or someone you know, he's struggling, help is available. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. call text chat. you can do it all by dialing 9, 8, 8, well new this morning, a major win for those with medicare is the biden administration confirms a deal has been struck with drug companies to lower the price of 10 of medicare's most popular and costly drugs. white house officials say they expect older americans to save roughly one and a half billion dollars on their medications. some of the drugs include blood centers and diabetes medications, the centers for medicare and medicaid services, which oversaw the deal-making is expected to release the final drug prices later today. the new prices won't go into effect, though, until 2026 at 6.22. and coming up next on kron 4 morning news. how bay area hospital is news. how bay area hospital is helping babies who need milk.

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marshalls buyers hustle for the latest trends, from fashion... double denim is back. got it! to beauty, so you don't have to. that is a deal! we get the deals, you get the good stuff. marshalls. >> we are back. time now is 7.25. a concord man has been scammed. >> was a life savings and he's now sharing how it happened to try and prevent others from falling victim as well. the 76 year-old victim says it received a call from someone claiming to be part of expanded the cyber security department. they told him somebody hacked into his computer and took $5,000 to open a crypto account. caller told him that he had to place his money into a secure wallet in washington, d.c., until the situation was resolved. months

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later, the victim would find out that his life savings had been wiped out, according to the fbi scams, targeting people over the age of 60. it's caused more than 3 billion dollars in losses last year. >> time now is 6.25. and a pacific. a man accused of recording himself stabbing a woman to death and then live streaming it on facebook. has can been committed to a mental hospital. and this week comes after the judge ruled that that man was not mentally competent to stand trial for murder. 40 year-old mark steven metric, half was arrested in july of last year. a year after at well, after actually one of his facebook friends reported seeing this live stream event and told authorities mitchell cough confessed. then to the murder. in court. but then he later said the confession was generated by ai. he's going to receive mental health treatment in a state facility

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for maximum period of 2 years. a san jose police officer is charged with felony domestic violence. santa clara county says that 31 year-old timothy hackney hack hackney of morgan hill was arraigned tuesday for felony and misdemeanor charges. he's accused of shooting his gun in his home false imprisonment and a series of assaults on his now pregnant girlfriend. if convicted. he faces prison time. he's currently on administrative leave. >> san jose state is getting new student housing thanks to old hotel. explain bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music]

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>> 6.29 right now and we hope you're starting the morning off. good in the weather is cooperating. it is. i would little cloudy for some. john's actually had a really cool few behind. a good morning, john. yeah, we get the clouds behind always pretty or from above rather than making your way through them. so we do have a little bit of gray out there this morning. but all in all, not too bad. >> and not as foggy as yesterday was for most areas. this is actually your view of the sunrise going on this morning from the east bay hills right here. gorgeous perspective right here of some of that greybull, though and colors about we are seeing a little bit of visibility issues mostly towards the coast, but a couple pockets in the inland east bay, too. now temperatures starting off the morning with some 50's to 60's. great morning to get outside for that morning jog. just enjoy a cool brisk start before a bit of a warmer

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afternoon today, a few more of our inland areas will be rising into the low 90's. most of the bayshore remains in the 70's right now. all right, john, thank you for that. it's also that morning to get out there, hit the roads as we're not seeing those major delays at the start of our 6 o'clock hour. good news off to a good start. meter lights are on the only thing slowing you down on the bay bridge right now. >> 15 minutes, san mateo bridge, all your riches. summer feel around 13. so little busy there. golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 19 minutes starry. james, back to rain is 6.30, right now and happening today, san jose state university officials are set to open a new affordable living space for undergraduate student. this housing will accommodate. they say 700 students and is just 4 blocks away from the main campus kron. four's will tran is actually standing by live with a look. good morning. well, >> it's 7 minutes walking distance from the campus. it's right behind me. as far as the tower look at this. that's the

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south tower at fairmont hotel, by the way, don't call it fairmont because that's an old name. now it's called sydney up by colton. but you know what? it will be converted in about 9 months to student housing. and we have the renderings to show you. they will have the groundbreaking about 4 o'clock this afternoon, which we will be there. but they're going to do is put about 120 beds in there. it's basically a dorm so have dining facilities, fitness center, all the accommodations. if you ever been to college and you stayed on campus at a dorm, you know exactly what i'm talking about. this addresses san jose state's ongoing attempts to provide affordable housing to their students. housing. obviously a problem throughout california throughout america and san jose state not immune to that. they will try pick the students in there as early as 9 months from now. it is not free, of course, is just affordable housing for the students. and it's just as you

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mentioned, james, 4 blocks from campus. and if you take a scooter, you probably will be on campus in just a few minutes from this location. so look out beautiful. it is right there. but basically that south tower and all all those units that will be a door. back to you. all right. thanks a lot. we'll time now. 6.32, nearby san mateo county elected officials there are calling for a new push. >> to remove homeless camps. he's palo alto currently has a say about 81 people living on the streets following governor newsom's recent call for local governments to start clearing out encampments. mayor antonio lopez says he wants to focus on finding people homes instead of just clearing them out. >> as mayor, i will introduce an ordinance to clean up encampments after receiving at least 2 written warnings and 2 offers of shelter. then a decline. prior to the first morning in medical and mental health screening will be determined. want to be clear? this isn't about criminalizing people. it's about helping people empowering people and

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encouraging them to get the help they need and they deserve. >> yeah. this past january, san mateo county conducted a one-day count and found more than 2000 people are experiencing homelessness across the county. the county has a long-term goal where all residents experiencing homelessness are placed in emergency shelters or temporary housing. they're working towards that goal. at the state capitol lawmakers and families affected by the fentanyl epidemic gathered to support prop 36. san jose mayor matt mahan was one of those supporters. he explained what he hopes to see from this proposition. the proposition would also, he says help keep business is safe. >> 36 does is escalate penalties for repeat retail theft and drug crimes such as public drug use and gives judges new tools to compel people into treatment will save lives. it will reduce retail theft and it will help in the effort to end the era of encampments.

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>> and a prop 36 would reform the framework of prop 47, which was passed by voters back in 2014. >> its 6.34 and drug addiction has long been plaguing san francisco. but there is some good news. there is health officials say that overdose numbers actually falling, been continuing to fall and they believe that there's a way to make those numbers decrease even faster. methadone is prescribed to help transition addicts off of opioids. >> and that's helping. but advocates say it's not as accessible as it could be and they're looking to remove some of the barriers, according to the san francisco department of public health, that less than 40 people died from a drug overdose last month. and that's down from 66 who died back in may. >> looking year to year, that's a 15% decrease from 2024, would compare 2024? to the deaths we saw in 2023 and city health leaders say the drop in overdoses is largely due to drugs like. cooper in a and methadone currently in san

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francisco. more than 25,000 or 2500 people receive methadone through city clinics over recent years. federal restrictions have eased up for methadone, but that's not the case in california making it harder, harder process for those who really need it. >> under new federal laws, new methadone patients can get up to 72 hours or 3 days of methadone from a hospital or other health clinic. this allows them to start methadone treatment immediately. outside the operating hours of a methadone clinic. >> in april, san francisco assemblymember matt haney introduced a bill the where california would match federal rules like that and also asked to increase the amount that a patient can take home of methadone and also ways to speed up admission into treatment. that bill is currently being discussed in committee at the state capitol. >> what we're learning new details now about that pregnant woman who was found dead inside of her san mateo home earlier this month.

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prosecutors say 37 year-old kristen castle was found dead inside her home by her 10 year-old daughter back on august 14th. her boyfriend, andrew coleman, was quickly identified as a suspected killer and was arrested in southern california castle, who was 9 months pregnant, was strangled to death. coleman made his first court appearance on tuesday, but he did not enter a plea. he is charged with 2 counts of first-degree murder. he said to be arraigned on september 4th, a candlelight vigil organized by the victim's loved ones will be held in san mateo central park on saturday. >> time now 6.36, in the east bay and oakland neighbor is frustrated after creating a solution that they thought was pretty good. the neighborhood got together and put some things up to prevent site now. but the city said take it down. kron four's lisa goodman explains. >> i just like this are nearly a daily occurrence for oakland resident living in the san antonio neighborhood along east 21st street. but a group

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of neighbors are fighting back. this the worst. >> is living here because? it is way more consistent and it's way more dangerous. they created their own tire barriers to put a stop to the reckless driving. >> and added 3 roundabouts in these intersections, the speed bumps for bolted into the asphalt and the tires are all bolted into each other and filled the play. so. it would have been hard to move. that was until the city removed every barrier wednesday morning in may. >> everybody actually come down to a stop. it's a full stop and go slow around the speed funds would not going start later on. but if the city says it's a problem, i guess. i don't see how that's a bigger problem. the sideshows, the. >> we reached out to the city officials regarding this and we're told in a statement the city was made aware on tuesday. >> on authorize hazards and stalled on the street. we at the city empathize with our

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community. we all want safer streets but increasing the risk to the public by installing has ers is not the solution. oftentimes we heard. >> and when we did inquiries about getting an actual roundabout put in the concrete ones that you see sometimes in berkeley. we were told that somebody has to die first before they'll do anything about that. and that's we're not. we're not waiting for. >> while speaking with us, neighbors pointed out cars known for the reckless driving already returning the next steps for us to just continue with the pressure that we're putting on the city to react. i i noticed that they were able to come out here very quickly with resources and staff. >> they were concerned about money or budgets in order to remove everything that we put here. >> we do have access those. it's a material

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>> lezla gooden com for news. >> 6.39 is the time in the south bay, cisco systems us and as a base networking company plans to cut more jobs. 7% of its workforce is reportedly going to be laid off as the company says it's shifting more to focus on ai and cybersecurity. the company didn't specify the number of jobs. it is cutting. so we'll let you know when we find that out. >> 6.39 and august is breastfeeding awareness month. and moms are coming together to help all babies. there's a milk drive. it was held as a san francisco general hospital where moms who had extra milk dropped off frozen milk at the drive-in. everything collect it is going to be past rise for distribution to families with babies in need. >> sometimes we have like foster families, right? so we want to give the best month to that baby. and that would be donor human milk. and that

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with this drive will help them get that best meant to that baby. and also some months we just we are not able to give that baby to give that meant to so we do use donor donor human milk for >> the san francisco department public health says this was the first mill drive in san francisco in more than 30 years. its 6.40. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a ceremony is held honoring a bay area fire. >> she a few weeks before she retires waiting to about her accomplished. and after the break, the giants in dire straits for a win against the braves will see what happens in sports. >> and today is going to be a little bit warmer for specially our inland areas, but pretty similar in san francisco and oakland hanging on to those 70's a few low 80's and san jose in the south bay talking more in your bay talking more in your forecast after

6:42 am

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6:43 am

it'll be raining cats and dogs again. time to waterproof with gorilla. waterproof with gorilla? gorilla waterproof patch & seal. of course. spray it, tape it, spread it, brush it to stop and prevent leaks.

6:44 am

for the toughest jobs on planet earth. (♪♪) to stay on top of my game, i need to keep up my energy. clif bar is purposefully crafted with 10 grams of protein and organic oats. because the more good you put in, the more great you get out. clif. the most important ingredient is you. >> here are 4 things to know today. 38 people have no place to live in oakland right now because it was a dumpster fire that spread to their apartment building around 05:30am, in the morning yesterday, the fire broke out. the firefighters managed to put it out and limit the damage and 26 units but 4 units were gutted within $130,000 in illegal drugs. she's from several pleasant and smoke shops. a police say they were selling these products to minors. the operation funded. the bus was funded by state grant that's meant to crack

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down on illegal tobacco. half a billion dollar deal is struck between. the richmond city council and chevron oil. the deal follows the removal of a proposed tax measure on chevron's refinery. that measure was going to be voted on in november. but now under this deal, chevron agrees to pay the city 50 million dollars a year for the next 5 years. and then 60 million a year after that. video on the citizen app shows an ice cream truck crashed into a love. this happened early yesterday. nobody apparently was hurt. it's there's not a structural damage, either just a crash and they're investigating what happened. >> 6.45 right now we want to take a look at the weather and john is watching others. yeah, i've got a few clouds out there on this thursday morning. good morning, john. take a look at this. nice sunrise here from the embarcadero. >> little bit of a breeze, a few clouds here and there, but a little less foggy than

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yesterday was nice for you right here at what we got going on this morning. brighter start than yesterday. now we are going to see a slightly warmer afternoon than yesterday, too. just a few scattered low clouds. those will burn off pretty quickly. high pressure. ridge is still adjacent to us. but so is that next low, which really dives in come this week ended with that a weekend cooldown and even a few northern california showers as we move our way, especially into saturday. taking a look at futurecast for the first time this year. we do have some light showers for northern california, eureka around 1507 inch. well, areas like crescent city, can see around half an inch of rainfall this weekend, even reading could see a 10th of an inch of it. that could help the part prior out a little bit for francisco. that's really just mist and drizzle being detected right there. so nothing for the bay area itself. futurecast showing north northwest wind into the bay today, generally keeping his cool at the coast and along the bay shore inland, though it is nothing but the sunshine with that temps will warm pretty quickly inland

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60's to 70's and san francisco 60's right along the coast. a lot of 70's to 80's elsewhere. burlingame at 76 degrees, redwood city and san carlos. right, 80 for your highs, south bay temperatures. also 70's to 80's for your highs. san jose right at 80 degrees today. fremont at 78 all the way up along the east bay shoreline. expect those 70's well downhill in walnut creek and concord back into the low 90's. sonoma getting close to 88. that same number in santa rosa. tomorrow's temperatures very similar to today's will cool off after that into the weekend, though, with highs dropping into the mid 80's by saturday and sunday rain. all right, john, thank you for that. will track in a car fire eastbound to 37 right at 80 north. >> not causing major delays because you things are still pretty green down here, but they stay. the lanes are blocked. so i would avoid that area until they able to get that carr fire out. this is down in milpitas again, eastbound to 37 80 north. they

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right now, no accidents, but a disabled vehicle near that fremont street exit. so these are little slower now. 22 minute ride. last check. was still at 16. thankfully, no accidents there. and hopefully that get that vehicle off of that exit. 12 minutes long over several fellow highway 4. starting to pick up. 34 minutes antioch in to conquer. checking on. 24 want to down to 5.80, about 16 minutes darya. james, back to you. it's 47 right now. and as wildfires continue to burn across california, lawmakers say that policy changes could help to reduce the risk of future fires. officials at the interior department say this year is part of a trend that they're noticing of increased fire activity and they say it is driven by hotter, drier conditions. now they're turning to fire fighting wildfires with controlled fires and using nose to battle blazes. but lawmakers say that those prescribed burns are often stalled. representative doug lamalfa is hoping that

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proposals in this year's farm bill will lead to long-term change. >> it is a lawsuits. it is >> burdensome regulations. you're never going to live in a fire >> you could minimize the massive risks that face. >> 6.48. is the time now and we are 2 weeks away until san francisco fire chiefs sepsis fire chiefs last day. jeanne nicholson is retiring, citing health issues. there was a ceremony held honoring her career and chief nicholson praise the work of firefighters addressing the opioid and homelessness crisis. she spoke about her accomplishments which include a new training facility for the department and advocating for diversity. nicholson is the first openly lgbtq chief in the department's history. >> i also believe that diversity equity inclusion is imperative for this department giving young people an

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opportunity to do what we and giving them the skills set and the support that they need to do. what you do. >> before becoming chief in 2019 nicholson worked as a paramedic. the captain and battalion chief her last day will be august. 30th. >> levi's to is announcing a new renewed partnership with a strained to get more central valley forty-niners fans to and from the stadium. niners fans will have the option now to use the trains to a 10, 7 regular season home games at levi's express. trains will stop at the santa clara great america station, which is only steps away from levi's stadium. anybody wants to use the a strain for the event is required to have a special event train ticket. the service begins september 29th with the game between the niners and the new england patriots. >> ok, i show, yes, we've got to load a for bay area baseball. the a's lost their

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second game against the mets. and then, of course, the braves dominated the giants at home kron. 4 sports director jason dumas has highlights. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> the giants were in danger of falling back below 500 and essentially out of the playoff race all together again. giants rookie grant mccray made his major league debut. it would be memorable, but for all the wrong reasons, the braves jumped on robbie ray immediately in the first he hit the first 2 batters of the game. that's not me of shouldn't do. jorge solera austin riley. then later in the inning kinds already down one, nothing bases loaded in michael harris. oh, yea. he turns on that one. it's a slash shot into the cove and all of a sudden, while people are still ordering their garlic fries, its 5 to nothing. no one's even in their seats yet rated even last. the now later on in the

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bottom of the first tyler fitzgerald gets one back. what a revelation he had been for the braves, his 14th home run of the season for the giants. that is 3rd inning. matt olson, he goes the other way. that gives the braves a 61 lead all since 20st home run of the season. 6 ending now is 7 to one. rips one down the right field line rolled all the way to defense, the the braves go on to win this one. 13 to joe. yes, this on the books for the a's. he know with a 2.0. 84 era over his last 4 starts. but the met said we tried hearing none of no score. 2, all from mark vientos. he rips one down the line in left. >> just this week are scores. it's one to nothing. mets. 3rd, any same score. francisco lindor. he's box office. his 23rd home run of the season and 100. as a met. it's

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nothing more of the same into for pete alonso. he really flex on oakland on this night? 26 home run of the season 3 to nothing. >> and the mets. what the a's out of their misery in the 7 take score 6 runs. including this right here. a lot of that goes all the way to the wall. >> mets win 91 alonso 4 for 4 with 3 rbi already. that's your look at sports. >> all right. thank you, jason. it is 6.53. and coming up in the next hour of the kron 4 morning news. the fda has approved the first-ever app aimed at helping depression. we will have that coming up. z's baking the house special.

6:54 am

arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.

6:55 am

"the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they see all that you are? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.

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>> 6.55, and take a look at this. firefighters who are battling the park fire. discovered a dog and they were able to reunite that dog with its owner. they found the pup dehydrated and so they gave him water and got in the health care that he needed. and thanks to his collar and it had the info and his name is to pardon. and they had all the info there they needed and they safely reunited the pooch with his family. >> for your health this morning, good lunch can help give kids an extra boost of brain power while they're at school. dietitians say it's really crucial that students receive proper nutrients to fuel their minds. they say it's all about striking the right balance and parents should be looking at more than how many calories there are.

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but, you know, with the nutrients are what's present and the portion size. they suggest parents be wary of products with high amounts of salt and sugar and trying sure that kids aren't skipping out on 5 are either. >> it's 66. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, a nice big dance studio is broken into and the owners say this really sets them back. we'll take a look at what happened. and a new bill aims to limit the number of self checkout lanes that historic an open. we'll see why supporters want that. plus the incredible journey of this new bicycle to fight homelessness. we'll tell you how.

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7:00 am

>> right now on the kron. 4 morning news, oakland, neighbors feel unsafe this morning after a mother were shot and killed in the middle of the day. a person in the south bay dies from west nile virus, which is spread through mosquitoes will have a live report on how to protect yourself. plus, a half billion dollar pollution deal between the city of richmond and chevron have reaction this morning. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning and thanks for joining us. i'm and i'm james. we've got lots to talk about this morning on the news front. but firstly, we got to get you square on the weather. you can see the top. the transamerica pyramid kind of disappear. yeah, just a little bit on top. there is socked in john howard's second to just a little bit cloud cover almost pera

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